Sunday, November 20, 2005


Reasons Why Orientals Can Never Overtake the 22nd Century Part 2

They Can't Shut Up About Being Better Than Us
We should just deport any Fresh-Out-of-the-Boater (FOB) who can’t assimilate into American society without trying to convert us. Keep your stupid customs back at your own damn destitute home country. We hate enduring the delusional self-indulging bullshit drivel that chinks seem to boast about, the superiority of their numbers, race, and culture. The only ones who are featherbrained enough to baptize themselves to the Cult of Asiaphilism, are “culturally enlightened”, college undergrads.

They insist on pushing their children to suicide. Also they yell orders, not solutions.
If rice-pickers wanted to introduce a better life for their children in America, then they shouldn’t have narrowed their choices. Thousands of American mongoloid seppekus remain unreported every year, just because the half-baked futures their parents concocted for them didn’t turn them a six-figure income, as well as the following chronic belittling and nagging.

They are greedy, a common fact.
Asians have little encouragement to improve their work quality aside from the prospects of being paid. Take my ChinaDad for example; he was never promoted to anything above the rank of a “lackey” because his boss had the intuition to realize that ChinaDad’s motivation was money, not work ethics. And because of that, each and every day, I must endure dad’s chronic bitching about the inequalities of Asian work pay, or how white people are “stealing his women” away.

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