Sunday, October 30, 2005


Holiday Cautions: Halloween Forecast

Cosplay, that abominable crossdressing fad imported from Japan has swept across the nation, capturing the praise of millions of fickle sophomores and freshmen across the country. This year, your going to notice a significant spike of the aroma of nerd musk in your neighborhood. I advise you to clutch your revolvers tightly, lest you find atrocious freaks like this pressing against your window:

If you have children, especially daughters, it's recommended you supervise them and tell them to avoid the gangs of self-denying 40-year olds that grope teenage partygoers in the night. Only your intervention can prevent your child's underside from being downloaded by every god damn pasty cellphone picture sharing upskirt fetishist online.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Reasons Why Orientals Can Never Overtake the 22nd Century Part 1

The personality issue.

I'm been hearing this shit over and over again, often from my Asian "friends", bragging that African Americans will die from AIDS transmission, Latin Americans rendered in a azoic-like state from coke consumption, and their lowly white-suckups as servants for the Yellow Autocracy of Fucking Absolution.
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Try looking at the mirror once in a while, maybe you'll understand of the many factors that will keep us down until pro-Darwinist/Aryan eugenics fanatics interbred with our petite privates to produce a superhuman race combining the traits of bloodlust and intellect

Factors that ensure young Asian male infertility.

1. Asian males are generally unattractive, unless they cake themselves with artificial paints and dyes to cover our uninviting yellow-faces.
2. Even then, the toxins from said dyes would rob the life of our precious, pitch-black hair folicles, rendering us, bald, and impotent rice eatin' men.
3. Our cowardice is proportional to our small penis size. Have you ever seen oriental males start a fight before, or just run from any conflict that crosses their way?
4. Similarly, oriental males love to take credit for shit they didn't do. For example, once the dust clears up from a brutal Crips and Bloods gang war, a maurauding band of buck-toothed "tunerz" will trespass their "turf" in their Civics and Daewoos, while waving chrome-painted plastic revolvers.
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