Friday, October 26, 2007
How to host a perfect Asian Party!

How to host a perfect Asian party!!!
Halloween is almost here, and there is no other fun like having a strictly supervised by your parents, non-alcoholic party with your fellow asian peers! For a proper Asian party you must:
1. Have apple juice ready at the tap in place of beer (only stupid white devils and black people drink beer in a party!). Ramen noodles are also a must to provide adequate nourishment during heated Warcraft deathmatches!
2. Have additional surge protectors and expansion ports installed for your attendees' computers. World of Warcraft, Starcraft, and Warcraft 3 games will BE the major highlight of your AWESOME ASIAN PARTY!
3. Tell your friends to bring their parents with you! A great party should be a safe party, and every moment you spend on your party, at least one of your friends should be crying tears by the combined browbeating pressure of all of your awesome Asian parents, even if they arn't your parents. This makes sure that the party remains safe and completely sterile of white devils and black monkies from crashing your AWESOME ASIAN PARTY!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Moving to new home domain...
It's been like, over a year since the last time I wrote on this article.
But have no fear, avid readers of the BBB, I am moving over to a new site, a home domain site, with superior bandwith limits and web design and formatting.
In a short while or so, all the articles here will be posted in
But have no fear, avid readers of the BBB, I am moving over to a new site, a home domain site, with superior bandwith limits and web design and formatting.
In a short while or so, all the articles here will be posted in